On-Site Digital X-Rays

We use on-site digital x-rays as a diagnostic tool to locate the underlying cause of structural abnormalities within the body.

On-Site Digital X-Rays

We use on-site digital x-rays as a diagnostic tool to locate the underlying cause of structural abnormalities within the body.

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Miami, Queensland

On-Site Digital X-Rays

At Revolution Chiropractic, we use on-site specific digital x-rays as a diagnostic tool to locate the underlying cause of structural abnormalities within the body. Digital x-ray is the most modern form of x-ray available, which allows us to immediately view digital images of your spine and skeletal system. At our Miami, Queensland clinic, we perform in-office x-rays not only because they are a valuable diagnostic tool but also because they provide tremendous convenience for our patients.

What to Expect from an On-Site Digital X-Ray

During your initial evaluation, we’ll take you through a comprehensive physical examination that includes on-site digital x-rays (when clinically indicated) and 5 other forms of analysis.We perform these NeuroStructural x-rays because they allow us to develop a complete picture of the location and origin of structural abnormalities within the spine. Because abnormal spinal shifts are the underlying cause behind secondary symptoms, such as pain, mobility loss and reduced range of motion, we must first locate the source of these issues before beginning care for your spine, so we can achieve the best outcome and improvement for you.

Your x-rays will be quite brief in duration and will generate no discomfort. Unlike film x-rays, digital x-rays generate much less radiation, which makes them a more suitable choice for overall health. After we’ve completed your specific x-rays and conducted the remainder of our comprehensive examination, we’ll use the digital images to complete your diagnosis and formulate a custom treatment plan.

Benefits of On-Site Digital X-Rays

At Revolution Chiropractic, we use digital, structural x-rays as a diagnostic tool to locate the underlying causes of physical discomfort and dysfunction (when clinically indicated). Because subluxations within the spine cannot be accurately assessed through palpation and observation alone, we use specific imaging technology to provide us with a comprehensive picture of your spine and skeletal system. Having an in-office digital x-ray offers the following benefits:

Immediate Feedback
Unlike film x-rays, which can take days or even weeks to be developed and viewed, on-site digital x-rays are viewable as soon as we capture the image. Digital technology translates the image onto a computer, where we can view it immediately to begin formulating a diagnosis, and show yo in real-time your potential underlying issue

Valuable Diagnostic Tool
Because we focus on neurostructural correction, digital, structural x-rays are a foundational diagnostic tool in our office (when clinically indicated). They allow us to locate the underlying source of your pain and dysfunction so we can treat the cause of the problem, not just the symptoms you experience.

Why Should You Have On-Site Digital X-Rays?

Digital x-rays are a powerful diagnostic tool because they allow our team to:

  • following the identification of various history and examination findings
  • Rule out based on your history any contraindications to care
  • Excluding underlying pathological cause (red flags)
  • Confirmation of diagnosis/pathology
  • Determining the appropriateness of care
  • Identifying contraindications or factors that would affect or modify the type of treatment/care proposed
  • Magnify and rotate images to identify hard-to-view abnormalities
  • Locate subluxations and structural shifts
  • Discover structural issues that palpation and observation cannot detect
  • Develop a comprehensive treatment plan to address the underlying causes of subluxations and dysfunction
  • Share imaging with you and explain where structural shifts exist

Frequently Asked Questions

Digital x-rays expose patients to 90% less radiation than their film counterparts. As such, they are considered extremely safe.

Digital x-rays can be translated onto a CD or DVD for later viewing, if necessary. If you require copies of your x-rays for medical use, simply contact our Miami, Queensland office with any questions you may have.